Himalayan Art - A Magnificent Poem That Is Beyond Ordinary.

The Son of the Mountains: The Story of Messner and the Fourteen Highest Peaks in the World

The Son of the Mountains: The Story of Messner ...

For me, mountaineering is not just a sport. It is freedom. It is the freedom to experience new things beyond all rules and regulations. It is a freedom to understand...

The Son of the Mountains: The Story of Messner ...

For me, mountaineering is not just a sport. It is freedom. It is the freedom to experience new things beyond all rules and regulations. It is a freedom to understand...

The Revivalist - Reflections brought by "The Pig at the Crossroads"

The Revivalist - Reflections brought by "The Pi...

"The Revivalists" can be fundamentally classified as a popular religion and folk belief in the Tibetan region, based on oral tradition. People in classical times extracted their daily moral principles...

The Revivalist - Reflections brought by "The Pi...

"The Revivalists" can be fundamentally classified as a popular religion and folk belief in the Tibetan region, based on oral tradition. People in classical times extracted their daily moral principles...

Tibetan poet ▎Nectar that flows into the heart

Tibetan poet ▎Nectar that flows into the heart

Tibetan poets revel in the worries and fears of everyday landscapes, enjoying every moment as their self-awareness approaches the mysteries of the universe. For poetry will eventually give birth to a...

Tibetan poet ▎Nectar that flows into the heart

Tibetan poets revel in the worries and fears of everyday landscapes, enjoying every moment as their self-awareness approaches the mysteries of the universe. For poetry will eventually give birth to a...

Gentle Wanderer: Cloud in Himalayan Iconography

Gentle Wanderer: Cloud in Himalayan Iconography

The cloud is a noble prince(ལྷ་སྲས་སྤྲིན་དཀར་), as it is the companion of gods and the student of philosophers (often referred to as "cloud assembly" in Tibetan to symbolize devotees); the...

Gentle Wanderer: Cloud in Himalayan Iconography

The cloud is a noble prince(ལྷ་སྲས་སྤྲིན་དཀར་), as it is the companion of gods and the student of philosophers (often referred to as "cloud assembly" in Tibetan to symbolize devotees); the...

The ancient map of Lhasa in the World Museum - View of the Holy City

The ancient map of Lhasa in the World Museum - ...

These scattered artworks from around the world recreate the overall layout of the holy city with bright colors including Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple and the Kyichu River Valley and nearby famous landmarks attracting numerous...

The ancient map of Lhasa in the World Museum - ...

These scattered artworks from around the world recreate the overall layout of the holy city with bright colors including Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple and the Kyichu River Valley and nearby famous landmarks attracting numerous...

Himalayan Beauty and the Beast: Twin Artists from Bhutan

Himalayan Beauty and the Beast: Twin Artists fr...

The Twinz draw inspiration from Buddhist traditions, consciousness, psychedelia, warrior spirit, shamanism, material culture of Bhutan (painting, sculpture, temples) and intangible cultural heritage (knowledge, wisdom and skill) as their creative...

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Himalayan Beauty and the Beast: Twin Artists fr...

The Twinz draw inspiration from Buddhist traditions, consciousness, psychedelia, warrior spirit, shamanism, material culture of Bhutan (painting, sculpture, temples) and intangible cultural heritage (knowledge, wisdom and skill) as their creative...

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