Consecration Filling Scrolls & Rituals Pack for Shakyamuni
Consecration Filling Scrolls & Rituals Pack for Shakyamuni
$25.99 USD
$0.00 USD
$25.99 USD
Fit for 6" - 26" Shakyamuni Statue
We also provide Consecration Packs for filling Buddha statues over 100cm / 40" tall.
You can contact us for customization.
❤ This unique set of Consecration Rituals is made and blessed in Larung Gar Buddhist Academy.
You can use them fill and bless buddha statue yourself.
In Tibetan Buddhism, statues of deities are often hollow so that they can be filled & consecrated.
Here at Larung Gar Buddhist Academy, we have many years of experience in filling statues and stupas.
Through the years the monks have managed to collect all the necessary mantra rolls, ingredients and precious substances needed to fill holy objects in the best way possible.
It has become a tradition that has been passed on from the elder monks to the younger, and is practiced by our monks community with great care and pleasure, in accordance with the advice of Lama.
❤ Details
various mantras necessary for various parts of a statue body,
speech & mind pills medicinal,
herbal & incense powder
wooden central channel (sokshing)
camphor & saffron
easy to use epoxy for sealing
various mantras necessary for various parts of a statue body,
speech & mind pills medicinal,
herbal & incense powder
wooden central channel (sokshing)
camphor & saffron
easy to use epoxy for sealing
❤ Please refer the link to fill and bless buddha statue yourself
Standard filling consecration process