Himalayan Art - A Magnificent Poem That Is Beyond Ordinary.

Sacred Mountains and  Holy Lakes in Tibet (Part 2) : Between creation and governance

Sacred Mountains and Holy Lakes in Tibet (Part...

Whether it is the "Four Sacred Mountains" (ཕྱོགས་བཞིའི་གནས་རི་; usually centered around the Central Tibetan region), the "Nine Creator Gods" (སྲིད་པ་ཆགས་པའི་ལྷ་དགུ་; a rich concept of combined deities), or the "Four Sacred...

Sacred Mountains and Holy Lakes in Tibet (Part...

Whether it is the "Four Sacred Mountains" (ཕྱོགས་བཞིའི་གནས་རི་; usually centered around the Central Tibetan region), the "Nine Creator Gods" (སྲིད་པ་ཆགས་པའི་ལྷ་དགུ་; a rich concept of combined deities), or the "Four Sacred...

Sacred Mountains and Holy Lakes in Tibet (Part 1) : Summary and explanation

Sacred Mountains and Holy Lakes in Tibet (Part ...

 In Tibetan areas, sacred mountains and lakes typically have threefold identities: individual identity (great natural features), spiritual identity (deities in the religious system), and ritual identity (blessed by rituals). The natural features...

Sacred Mountains and Holy Lakes in Tibet (Part ...

 In Tibetan areas, sacred mountains and lakes typically have threefold identities: individual identity (great natural features), spiritual identity (deities in the religious system), and ritual identity (blessed by rituals). The natural features...

Carving wisdom on the cliff and hiding it under the lake surface | Key Moments about the Himalayas (8)

Carving wisdom on the cliff and hiding it under...

On the back of this painting depicting the discovery of hidden treasures by Tsogyal Wangpo and Jigme Lingpa in a mountain lake, the entire process of the celebration is written....

Carving wisdom on the cliff and hiding it under...

On the back of this painting depicting the discovery of hidden treasures by Tsogyal Wangpo and Jigme Lingpa in a mountain lake, the entire process of the celebration is written....

Ocean monster spitting out treasures on the throne: The Himalayan water creature (ཆུ་སྲིན་)

Ocean monster spitting out treasures on the thr...

The beast supports itself with two front paws between the earth and the sea.Its mouth open, revealing sharp teeth and a double tongue.Lotus flowers and carefree grass hanging down from...

Ocean monster spitting out treasures on the thr...

The beast supports itself with two front paws between the earth and the sea.Its mouth open, revealing sharp teeth and a double tongue.Lotus flowers and carefree grass hanging down from...

Gluttony, The Face of Glory or Kirtimukha: The supreme divinity within the broken body

Gluttony, The Face of Glory or Kirtimukha: The ...

Looking at the online world today, people are using various strange names without much thought: the term "glutton" originating from Han China, the originally derived from the Eastern South Asian...

Gluttony, The Face of Glory or Kirtimukha: The ...

Looking at the online world today, people are using various strange names without much thought: the term "glutton" originating from Han China, the originally derived from the Eastern South Asian...

White Color in Himalayan art: Manifests all wisdom

White Color in Himalayan art: Manifests all wisdom

In today's first article, white will be the protagonist of the stage. As mentioned earlier, "white" (དཀར་) is the mother of all colors, a pure container that wraps everything, a...

White Color in Himalayan art: Manifests all wisdom

In today's first article, white will be the protagonist of the stage. As mentioned earlier, "white" (དཀར་) is the mother of all colors, a pure container that wraps everything, a...